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What Makes Panipuri Masala So Special?

What Makes Panipuri Masala So Special?

Posted by Suryamasale on 29th Mar 2024

Panipuri masala, also known as golgappa or puchka, is a beloved Indian street food delicacy that has captivated taste buds across the country and beyond. With its tangy and spicy flavours, this dish has become an inseparable part of Indian culinary culture.

Understanding the Origins and Popularity

Panipuri masala finds its origins in the northern regions of India, particularly in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The dish was originally called "phulki" and was a simpler version consisting of hollow, fried dough balls filled with a mixture of flavoured water, tamarind chutney, and spices. Over time, it gained regional variations and evolved into what we now know as panipuri masala.

The popularity of panipuri masala extends far and wide, transcending cultural boundaries. It has become an integral part of street food culture throughout India and has even gained recognition on the global culinary stage.

The following factors contribute to its immense popularity:

  • Burst of Flavours: Panipuri masala offers a delightful explosion of flavours. The crispness of the puris, the tanginess of the tamarind water, the spiciness of the masala, and the freshness of the filling create a harmonious blend that tantalizes the taste buds.
  • Versatility: Panipuri masala allows for customisation, making it appealing to a wide range of palates. Vendors often offer various options for fillings, such as boiled potatoes, sprouts, chickpeas, or even sweet chutney. This versatility caters to individual preferences and ensures a unique experience with every bite.
  • Social Experience: Enjoying panipuri masala is not just about savouring the food; it is also a social experience. Street-side vendors create a lively atmosphere, and people gather around the stall, engaging in conversations while relishing this flavourful snack. This communal aspect enhances the overall enjoyment of the dish.
  • Accessibility and Affordability: Panipuri masala is widely accessible, available in bustling street markets, food stalls, and even in restaurants across India. Moreover, it is an affordable indulgence, making it a popular choice among people from all walks of life.
  • Nostalgic Connection: For many, panipuri masala evokes nostalgic memories of childhood and simpler times. The mere mention of this delightful snack can transport individuals back to carefree days spent relishing the flavours of their favourite street food.

In this blog, we have discussed

The Significance of Masala in Panipuri Masala

Panipuri masala holds significant cultural and culinary importance in the Indian gastronomic landscape. Its significance extends beyond being a mere street food delicacy. Panipuri masala represents the vibrant and diverse culinary heritage of India, capturing the essence of its flavours, textures, and communal dining experiences. It serves as a unifying factor, bringing people from different backgrounds together to indulge in the shared pleasure of savouring this tangy and spicy snack. Panipuri masala showcases the creativity and ingenuity of Indian cuisine, with variations in fillings and flavours across different regions. Moreover, it has become a symbol of nostalgia, evoking fond memories of childhood and festive celebrations. The popularity of panipuri masala not only lies in its delectable taste but also in its ability to transcend boundaries, captivating the hearts and taste buds of people worldwide. Whether enjoyed on the bustling streets of India or in Indian restaurants across the globe, panipuri masala continues to be a beloved culinary treasure, cherished for its rich cultural significance and irresistible flavours.

Unveiling the Components of Panipuri Masala

The components of panipuri masala are carefully selected and combined in precise proportions to create a harmonious blend that teases the taste buds.

  • Cumin (Jeera): Cumin seeds provide a warm and earthy flavour, contributing depth and aroma to the masala.
  • Coriander (Dhania): Coriander seeds add a fresh and citrusy note, balancing the other spices and providing a pleasant fragrance.
  • Black Salt (Kala Namak): Black salt, known for its distinctive flavour, adds a hint of tanginess to the masala, enhancing the overall taste of panipuri.
  • Dry Mango Powder (Amchur): Dry mango powder brings a tangy and slightly sour taste, imparting a zesty element to the masala.
  • Black Pepper (Kali Mirch): Black pepper adds subtle spiciness, giving a gentle kick to the masala without overpowering the other flavours.
  • Asafoetida (Hing): Asafoetida, commonly used in Indian cuisine, offers a unique and pungent aroma, enhancing the overall flavour profile of the masala.
  • Ginger Powder (Sonth): Ginger powder adds warmth and a hint of spiciness, providing a comforting and aromatic element to the masala.
  • Mint Leaves (Pudina): Mint leaves contribute a refreshing and cooling flavour, complementing the other spices and adding a pleasant freshness.

These components are skilfully blended to create a balanced and flavourful panipuri masala. The precise combination of these spices varies from region to region and even from vendor to vendor, resulting in subtle nuances in taste and aroma.

Exploring Varieties of Panipuri Masala

  • North India: In North India, the panipuri masala tends to have a balance of flavours. It typically includes cumin, coriander, black salt, dry mango powder, black pepper, and a touch of asafoetida. The masala is known for its tangy and slightly spicy profile, making it a favourite among locals and visitors alike.
  • West India: The masala blend used in West India, particularly in Gujarat and Maharashtra, has a distinct flavour profile. It incorporates cumin, coriander, black salt, dry mango powder, black pepper, ginger powder, and a generous amount of mint leaves. The resulting masala offers a refreshing and tangy taste, with the mint leaves adding a cooling element to balance the spices.
  • South India: In South India, the masala blend used in panipuri showcases the region's unique culinary preferences. It typically includes cumin, coriander, black salt, dry mango powder, black pepper, ginger powder, and a hint of red chilli powder. This masala tends to have a spicier profile, with a touch of heat that elevates the overall flavour experience.
  • East India: The eastern part of India, particularly Bengal and Odisha, brings its own twist to the panipuri masala. Along with cumin, coriander, black salt, dry mango powder, black pepper, and ginger powder, it often incorporates a pinch of roasted cumin powder and roasted mustard seeds. These additional spices add depth and a unique smoky flavour to the masala.

Noteworthy Masala Blends from Different Culinary Traditions

Apart from the regional variations within India, panipuri masala has also evolved in other culinary traditions. For example, in Indo-Chinese fusion cuisine, the masala may include elements like soy sauce, garlic powder, and chilli flakes, adding a hint of savoury and spicy flavours.

In recent years, panipuri masala has also been customized to cater to specific dietary preferences and allergies. Some blends offer gluten-free options, utilizing alternative ingredients like gluten-free asafoetida or omitting certain spices to accommodate various dietary restrictions.

The Art of Making Panipuri Masala at Home

If you're a fan of panipuri and want to recreate the authentic flavours at home, preparing your own panipuri masala is a fantastic way to elevate your culinary skills.

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Panipuri Masala

  • Gather the Ingredients: To begin, gather the necessary spices for your panipuri masala. This typically includes cumin seeds, coriander seeds, black salt, dry mango powder, black pepper, asafoetida, ginger powder, and mint leaves. Ensure that your spices are fresh and of high quality to enhance the final taste of the masala.
  • Roast the Spices: To release the aromatic flavours of the spices, it's crucial to roast them. Heat a dry skillet or pan over medium heat and add the cumin seeds and coriander seeds. Toast them for a few minutes until they become fragrant and slightly darker in colour. Be mindful not to burn them, as it can alter the taste of the masala.
  • Grind the Spices: Once the roasted spices have cooled, transfer them to a spice grinder or mortar and pestle. Grind them into a fine powder, ensuring that there are no large pieces left. This process helps to combine the flavours of the spices and create a homogeneous masala blend.
  • Add the Remaining Ingredients: After grinding the roasted spices, add the black salt, dry mango powder, black pepper, asafoetida, ginger powder, and mint leaves to the mixture. These ingredients contribute their unique flavours to the masala, enhancing its taste and aroma. Adjust the quantities based on your personal preference, keeping in mind the desired balance of flavours.
  • Blend and Store: Transfer the mixture to a bowl and blend all the ingredients thoroughly using a spoon or whisk. Ensure that the spices are evenly distributed, creating a well-integrated panipuri masala. Once blended, store the masala in an airtight container to preserve its freshness and flavour.

Expert Tips and Techniques for Achieving the Perfect Blend

  • Quality of Spices: Always opt for fresh and high-quality spices to achieve the best results. The freshness of the ingredients significantly impacts the flavour of the masala.
  • Customisation: Feel free to experiment and adjust the spice proportions according to your taste preferences. You can add a touch of red chilli powder for additional heat or increase the quantity of dry mango powder for a tangier masala.
  • Personalisation: Consider adding your own secret ingredients or variations to create a unique masala blend that suits your palate. Just ensure that the flavours harmonise well and enhance the overall taste of the panipuri.
  • Storage and Shelf Life: Properly store the panipuri masala in an airtight container in a cool and dry place. When stored correctly, it can retain its flavours for several months, ensuring you have a ready-to-use masala blend whenever you crave panipuri.

Health Benefits of Panipuri Masala

Let's explore the various ways in which panipuri masala can contribute to your well-being.

  • Digestive Aid: Many of the spices present in panipuri masala, such as cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and ginger powder, possess digestive properties. They can aid in digestion, alleviate indigestion and bloating, and promote better gut health. These spices have been traditionally used in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, for their digestive benefits.
  • Antioxidant-Rich: Several spices in panipuri masala, including coriander seeds and black pepper, are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect the body against free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause cellular damage. Consuming foods high in antioxidants can support overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Certain spices in panipuri masala, such as ginger powder and black pepper, possess anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health issues, including cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, and certain cancers. Including anti-inflammatory spices in your diet, like those found in panipuri masala, may help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Immune-Boosting Effects: Some of the spices in panipuri masala, such as cumin seeds and black pepper, have immune-boosting properties. They contain compounds that can enhance immune function and help the body defend against infections and illnesses. Including panipuri masala in your diet can support a robust immune system.
  • Thermogenic Effect: Spices like black pepper and ginger powder found in panipuri masala have a thermogenic effect on the body. This means they can increase metabolic rate and promote fat burning. While panipuri itself is a snack and should be enjoyed in moderation, the spices in the masala can contribute to a slightly higher calorie burn.
  • Source of Essential Nutrients: Panipuri masala contains various spices, each with its unique nutrient profile. For example, coriander seeds are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, while cumin seeds are a good source of iron and manganese. By incorporating panipuri masala into your diet, you can benefit from the nutritional value of these spices.


Incorporating panipuri masala into your diet can provide a flavourful way to enjoy the health benefits of various spices. However, moderation is key, and it's advisable to consume panipuri as part of a balanced and diverse diet.

If you are looking to buy panipuri masala at the best price, Surya Masala is your one-stop shop. We have a reputation of being a household name in South India for the past 38 years, for manufacturing and marketing superior quality wholesale spices and blended spices. Browse through our website; filter your search as per the quantity you require, and shop for panipuri masala at a competitive price, only from Surya Masala.

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